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UK & Remote Volunteering, Trustee & Treasurer Roles

UK Volunteering

Part-time, short term volunteer assignments designed to give charities with limited resources access to qualified accounting expertise. An excellent way for accountants to give back and pick up rewarding experience in the not-for-profit sector.

Xero & Process Review [632]

Pro bono

Our partner is facilitating long-term change in the sugarcane sector through its internationally recognised sustainability standards and training, to improve environmental impact and create safer, fairer working conditions on farms and mills.

With the growth of the organisation over the years, the finance function has also grown organically, but solutions have often been implemented reactively rather than strategically.

With the continued growth of the organisation, it has become clear that they need to strengthen their finance processes further to ensure that they can fully leverage the capabilities of their Xero based system and keep pace with the demands of their expansion.

They are therefore seeking the support of an AfID volunteer to work with the finance team to identify gaps in its current operational processes (including accounting, reporting and analysis), before developing and implementing improvement strategies, with a particular focus on streamlining and optimising their reporting processes, and refining their payments process.

They are looking for a volunteer, familiar with Xero and with good process improvement experience, able to commit to providing 2-4 hours of support a week over a 3-4 month period.


Treasurer [631]

Pro Bono

Our partner promotes and supports people across Buckinghamshire to be more involved in how health and social care services are planned and delivered in their communities, with a view to improving local people’s experiences.

They are seeking a new Treasurer to lead the Board in fulfilling its responsibility to protect the financial integrity of the organisation, and to provide support and guidance on financial matters to the Chief Executive and their team. 

The role requires proven experience in financial planning, management and reporting and the ability to plan, prepare and chair effective meetings of the Finance Committee. Successful candidates should have some experience of the voluntary and/or charity sector, and have a passion for promoting better outcomes in health and social care for all.

Board members are asked to commit between eight and twelve hours each month to Board matters, including travelling to different locations within Buckinghamshire for quarterly Board meetings.


Finance Committee Chair [630]

Pro bono

Our partner is an international peacebuilding organisation, inspired by the Christian faith, working in societies affected by violent conflict to promote the power of peaceful relationships and creating space for them to thrive.

They are seeking a Trustee to chair their finance sub-committee, with experience in a senior finance role who is able to help them develop their approach to finance and support them in the move towards cloud-based accounting.

Having a background as a qualified accountant would be beneficial, as would charity sector experience, preferably in international development, as well as sharing the Christian values of the organisation.

Trustees are asked to attend 4 full day Board meetings annually, alternating between online and in-person, with the finance sub-committee meeting an additional 4-5 times per year, usually online for around an hour.


Treasurer [629]

Pro bono

Our partner is a specialist organisation run by women for women and children, providing impactful and high quality, accommodation-based help and intervention for women exposed to gender-based abuse and exploitation, and their children. 

They are seeking a Treasurer to oversee the financial matters of the charity in line with good practice and in accordance with legal requirements, and report to the Board of Trustees at regular intervals about the financial health of the organisation. The Treasurer will ensure that effective financial measures, controls, and procedures are in place, and are appropriate for the charity.

The postholder will have successful experience of operating within a board in a charitable, public sector or commercial organisation, and a commitment to the organisation and their charitable objectives.

The Board meets 6 times per year, with the Finance Committee meeting a further 6 times annually, either in-person in Luton or online.


QuickBooks Support [627]

Pro bono

Our partner works in remote, rural communities in the south of Zambia, providing support, on and off the football pitch, to ensure that a new generation of young people emerge with new skills to succeed in school, the workplace and life.

They have made significant progress on the back of two short-term in-person AfID placements, and now have QuickBooks set up. The new system is working well but they require some support in refining and improving it, and advice on how to maximise its features.

Specifically, they are looking for support in the following areas:

  • Designing a budget tracker for each project ensuring that all expenses are reported in the correct budget line.
  • Reporting project finance, ensuring that there is compliance with donor guidelines.
  • Management of multiple donor funded projects.
  • Measuring and utilising exchange gains from donor funded projects.
  • Forecasting and budgeting for financial decision-making.
  • Developing budget monitoring, cash flow forecasting and cash management tools.
  • Designing and preparing a budget monitoring report to compare a project budget with actual performance.
  • Creating a variance analysis table to identify significant variances and follow-up actions.
  • Streamlining of chart of accounts for use in budgeting and budget management.
  • Ensuring the organisational financial reporting meets the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
  • Advising on reserves and investment

They are seeking a volunteer able to commit to providing 2-4 hours support a week for a 2-3 month period. There is plenty to look at, which may not all be able to be covered within this time commitment, and the partner is aware that a further prioritisation exercise will need to take place once a suitable volunteer has been identified.


Kathy at The Kampala Music School, Uganda

Treasurer [628]

Pro bono

Our partner conducts research, develops recommendations and advocates for reform to make policy and decision-making processes in global governance more accountable to the people they affect now and in the future.

They are seeking a Treasurer to provide financial support and guidance for a resurgent NGO. The Treasurer has responsibility for overseeing maintenance of the accounts, providing quarterly management accounts and annual accounts. The postholder will manage the limited number of payments and also provide financial support to the Board of Trustees, including contributing to funding proposals.

The ideal candidate will have knowledge of UK charity accounting and filing requirements, as well as an interest in global issues and a desire to strengthen the effectiveness of global governance.

The estimated time commitment required for the role is 1-5 hours per month.


Treasurer [626]

Pro bono

Our partner, a US 501(c)(3) non-profit, is a movement of solidarity and action that brings people from all backgrounds together with programs designed to reach out to and engage with people living in persistent poverty.

The Board wants to strengthen its financial oversight of their operations, through the appointment of a finance professional based in the USA, with a keen interest in eliminating poverty, as Treasurer.

The post holder will provide strategic oversight and advice in financial matters, including the annual and medium-term budgets, financial administration and controls, financial reporting, the annual audit, and, if possible, fundraising.

The Board meets monthly, for 90 minutes, online.


Treasurer [625]

Pro bono

Our partner works alongside those involved in or affected by armed conflict, helping them find solutions that address the root causes of conflict and contribute to lasting peace and economic development.

After almost nine years, their current Treasurer is coming to the end of their term in office. They are seeking a replacement, who will Chair the quarterly Finance sub-committee meetings and report back on the work and recommendations of the committee in full Board meetings.

They are seeking someone with a proven ability to communicate and explain financial information to the Board and other stakeholders, ideally with experience and knowledge of the not for profit sector, particularly international development.

There are four Board meetings (one full day) and four Finance Committee meetings a year. Board meetings are held in London, with optional virtual attendance. Most committee meetings take place virtually.


Treasurer [624]

Pro bono

A lack of access to justice leads to issues of poverty, homelessness, ill health, unemployment, and many other social and personal difficulties. Our partner provides funding and support for access to crucial legal advice and representation.

They are seeking a new Treasurer, who will play a key role in the oversight and strategic execution of their finances and governance during an exciting period of organisational growth and development.

They are seeking a qualified accountant, with an understanding of and commitment to the organisation's vision, mission, and objectives, as well as strong financial acumen with demonstrable experience of applying this in a leadership role.

The Board meets 6 times annually, and the post holder will also chair the  Governance, Risk and Audit Committee. The total estimated time commitment required for the role is 5-6 days over the course of a year.


Treasurer [617]

Pro bono

Our partner is a women’s organisation, delivering systems change and trauma and gender-informed community-based support for women and girls affected by domestic abuse, including those in contact with the criminal justice system.

The Treasurer will oversee the financial matters of the charity in line with good practice and legal requirements, and report to the Board of Trustees at regular intervals about the financial health of the organisation. They will ensure that effective financial management systems, controls and procedures are in place, and are appropriate for the charity's needs.

The successful candidate will have experience of operating within a board in a charitable, public sector or commercial organisation, as well as a commitment to feminist principles and a passion for ending violence against women.

The board meets 5 times per year, and the finance sub-committee has an additional 4 meetings annually.


Colouring in at FundaciĆ³n RUTA

Treasurer [616]

Pro bono

Our partner supports individuals and research institutions in the Global South to produce, share and use research and knowledge to transform lives, and provide support to researchers globally through their online community platform.

They are seeking a new Treasurer to join their existing board in leading the organisation through their next exciting period of change. While they are seeking someone with knowledge of UK charity finance and legal requirements, they are particularly interested to hear from candidates from the Global South, wherever their current location.

The Treasurer will monitor the financial administration of the charity and report to the board of trustees at regular intervals on its state of financial health, in line with best practice, and in compliance with legal requirements. 

The Treasurer role will require approximately 10-12 days per annum, including three Board meetings, two of which are usually virtual, and occasional virtual meetings with the Executive Director, Finance Manager, and Auditor. In addition, the Treasurer will chair the Finance and Audit sub-committee.


Volunteer Odoo Consultant [613]

Pro bono

Our partner works to ensure access to safe drinking water for vulnerable communities in Cambodia, Madagascar, Vietnam and most recently Bangladesh, designing and implementing sustainable solutions.

In 2022 they implemented the ERP software Odoo for their operations in Vietnam. They currently use it to monitor sales, customers and for their accounting (alongside a separate local system to meet regulatory requirements). They are now looking for volunteer support to help them extend their use of this tool to include production, inventory management, purchases and HR.

The volunteer will help the team to understand the tool and its functionality; provide their expert opinion on the best way to implement its additional functionality; and help set up clear processes for the team to utilise these tools.

The assignment does require a volunteer with good knowledge of Odoo and ideally with experience of implementing it in a previous organisation.


Treasurer [618]

Pro bono

Our partner believes that stable, flourishing communities are based on thriving couple and family relations, and dedicates itself to the worldwide dissemination of knowledge about such relationships and to activities promoting their well-being.

They are seeking a Treasurer to take on a hands-on role in the monitoring and administration of the organisation's finances.

The role will include monitoring their online bank accounts, maintaining their income and expenditure spreadsheet, submitting an income and expenditure report to Trustees ahead of meetings, and assisting the Trustees with the preparation of an annual budget and the financial report to the Charity Commission.

The ideal candidate will be a competent Excel user with experience of preparing accounts. The time commitment required for the role is approximately 1 hour per week, with the Trustees meeting 3 times a year.


Finance Trustee [589]

Pro bono

Our partner is improving people’s lives through the promotion and delivery of wholesome, nutritious food to vulnerable adults and school-age children across Southampton - supporting their wellbeing, growth and development.

They are looking to further expand the range of Trustee skills that they can draw upon, to help lead them through an exciting stage of their development, and are particularly keen on bringing a Trustee onto the Board with knowledge or experience in Finance – as one of the key areas of focus for good governance.

Trustees are expected to prepare for and attend up to six Board meetings a year, plus the AGM. Trustees also need to be available to contribute advice and support on an ad hoc basis as required, and get involved in committee meetings, focusing on People, Audit & Risk, Finance, and Charitable Impact.


Treasurer [586]

Pro bono

Our partner is a UK-based organisation with a global aim to ensure people who have escaped oppression can heal, grow, and live the life they choose through holistic support programmes.

They are seeking a Treasurer to help them to continue their growth from a small community start-up into a high-impact, well-renowned, and sustainable international organisation by overseeing their financial management.

With a finance background, you will be responsible for the oversight of their governance, providing strategic support related to financial management, and overseeing robust financial processes for continued growth. Individuals are sought who have a strong empathy with their work and vision, and share their values and commitment to social and racial justice.

The Board meets online every quarter for 2 hours and they also hold one annual away day. You will also join the Finance and Risk committee which also meets every quarter for around 2 hours. The total estimated time commitment required for the role is around 2-3 hours per month.


Hands up at Ahazaza, Rwanda

Trustees [620]

Pro bono

Our partner protects in perpetuity a collection of ceramics, archives and manufacturing artefacts, covering nearly 250 years of world-renowned Spode pottery production and a global manufacturing site with world class assets.

They run a small visitor centre, shop and café on the former Spode Works site. Given its size, comprehensiveness and location on the original site, this collection is unique in the UK as the sole surviving enterprise in industrial ceramics and very likely in the world.

They are looking to bring on board someone, either as a Trustee or Advisor, with the experience and ability to inform business planning, strategic development and financial management.

The post holder will also oversee monthly cash flow and forecasts based on bank statements, sales and expenditure as well as supervising the preparation of annual charity commission return accounts and tax return.

The organisation are very flexible in terms of what the role may look like, dependent on who they appoint, with a minimum time commitment of 6 meetings annually.


+44 (0) 208 741 7000